Ghana Health Service Partners State Housing To Provide 15,000 Housing Units

The Ghana Health Service desirous of providing decent and affordable accommodation to its staff has entered into a partnership with the State Housing Company (SHC) to construct 15,000 housing units.

In a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed on Wednesday, GHS is to provide encumbered land in all the 10 Regions across the country for the execution of the project.
In 30 days time after signing the MOU, both SHC and GHS are expected to enter into a joint venture to roll out the landmark project which is expected to ease pressure on health workers in finding their own accommodation in a secured vicinity.The MOU was jointly signed by Dr Anthony Nsiah-Asare, Director-General of the Ghana Health Service and Kwabena Ampofo Appiah, Managing Director for State Housing Company Ltd.

The project is expected to see selected persons trained in setting up home construction and real estate companies, agile project management for the construction industry and using modern building technology for various construction works.
The State Housing Company (SHC) is set to partner the Youth Enterprises Support (YES) Agency to train various youth across the country in housing development.

Signing the MOU, Dr. Nsiah-Asare expressed happiness and optimism in the project saying “our professionals deserve decent accommodation to provide quality health care and this administration is committed to fully execute this project”.
“State Housing is a credible institution with a healthy track record so we are confident about this project”, he added.For his part, the MD of State Housing, Mr. Ampofo Appiah, also assured the management of GHS that his outfit had the required the capacity to carry out the project within the time frame.

He said the SHC was “charting a new course with the needs of our clients at the core of our service delivery” and so the houses would be delivered on time.
The latest MOU is the second one to be signed by the new SHC administration with the first one being with the Ghana Immigration Service.
In the MOU with the GIS, State Housing was to provide 1,000 housing units to the officers of GIS as well as the construction of state-of-the-art regional offices in all the ten regions of the country.

By: Abdul Karim Naatogmah/